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MCB Campus | Expert in metal

The level of metallurgical expertise in our country is declining rapidly. Metallurgy is now only offered as a small part of a broad materials science orientation within a limited number of Bachelor degree programmes. As a wholesaler and service centre for the metalworking industry, we at MCB feel it important to share our knowledge of metallurgy.

We must work together to ensure that the appropriate technical knowledge and knowledge of materials is not lost to us in future years. In fact, we want to expand the knowledge of metallurgy in the Netherlands.

This explains why we have created MCB Campus where we offer students the opportunity of taking courses in metallurgy at various levels, both online and in a classroom environment. We can obviously also provide specific training courses if required. MCB collaborates with Opleiding Ontwikkeling Metaalbewerking (OOM), the training institute run by Metaalunie.

If you require more information about MCB Campus, please refer to the website or send an email to addressed to Marleen Streuper, Geerd van der Kruijs or Maureen Schonbrodt.

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