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The Dutch Trade Association of Purchasers (Nevi) conducts a monthly survey in the Netherlands based on the American research. The main differences are that MCB Specials Machining buyer index is limited to the Machining industry only, which allows all purchasers in this industry (and not just a sample) to participate in the survey and that the research is conducted in a completely digital way.
No, the MCB Specials Machining buyer index is based on a research conducted by industry association ISM in the United States since the 1920s with the industrial buyers. Everyone is free to take over the design of this research. Click here for more information about this research.
Research shows that around 90% of buyers in the metal industry have internet access. That 10% is unable to complete the research is a pity, but this disadvantage does not weigh against the benefits (fast, practical, cheap) of full digital research.
It fits in with the MCB companies' strategy, which MCB Specials belongs to, and where the customer's needs (and thus the information needs) are central.
Because the research is conducted online, the costs of additional participants are negligible. What MCB Specials does in this way is to tap into the collective intelligence of the buyers in the industry. Research shows that a group is much more intelligent than the most intelligent person in the group. So there is no expert who knows better than the buyers as 'collective'.
Machiners extract pieces of (mostly) metal semi-finished products such as bars, similar to a carpenter who runs a chair leg from a piece of wood. The CBS uses the following definition: "The general supply of semi-finished metal products and work pieces through machining operations such as drilling, turning, milling, sparking, machining, sawing, grinding, etc."
All purchasers who work in the machining can request a member number at MCB Specials (vi@mcbspecials.eu), allowing them to report themselves on this site. After that, each month, the following process is performed:
• Every 20th of the month an email will be sent with the request to fill in the questionnaire.
• Every 22nd, anyone who has not filled in the questionnaire will receive a reminder.
• Every 24th, everyone gets their own answers back, with the ability to compare them with industry's average.
For each of the 5 questions (see 1), a number is calculated: the % 'more / shorter' plus half the % of 'same'. The index is the average of these five numbers, though some things (such as the number of orders) are more important than others, and thus get a bigger weight. These weights are a.30% b.25% c.20% d.15% e.10% respectively.
Every 1st of the following month, a press release will be compiled which discusses the most recent results in the light of previous results and other statistics. Participants of the survey would receive this press release automatically, other people can be placed on the mailing list for it. The press release will appear on the site of MCB Specials in the archive.
Everybody benefits from the most honest answers, and for that reason the research is conducted anonymously by www.formdesk.nl, an online market researcher. Formdesk ensures the separation of people and their answers. MCB Specials has access to the e-mail addresses associated with sending invitations, results and press releases. The participant can specify what can happen with their email address. In any case, the addresses are never shared with the third parties.
The MCB Specials Machining buyer index is a weighted average of the answers of a large group of purchasers in the Machining industry to the following questions:
Is the number of orders in your business higher, lower or the same as last month?
Is your company's production level higher, lower or the same as last month?
Is your company's employment higher, lower or the same as last month?
Is your supplier's delivery time shorter, longer or the same as last month?
Is the stock of purchased material higher, lower or the same as last month?
Are these all the questions asked?
No, you will also be asked for the purchase price (higher, lower or the same), but it will not be included in the index. Because the research is anonymous (and therefore we do not know which answers a participant gives), three questions should be answered each time about the company: how big it is, what the most important method of machining is and in which region it is located.
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