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Sourcing and Certifications

MCB Specials supplies high-tech materials in various grades such as titanium, high performance alloys, high-alloy stainless steel, copper, brass, bronze and plastics. These products are used in various industries such as:

Sheet metal working industry
Machine and equipment construction
On- & Offshore
MCB Specials sees sourcing as one of its core activities. It is crucial that our customers can count on consistent quality and availability. In different industries specific demands and certifications for materials are required, that is why choosing the right partner is crucial.
MCB Specials has a long-standing relationship with reputable manufacturers and partners and is therefore the link between customer and producer. This cooperation guarantees that we can supply our quality products as well as provide the necessary documents and certificates at the right time worldwide.
MCB Specials can supply materials according to the following certifications: NorSok, NACE, PED, ASME, ASTM, ISO and EN 10204 (3.1 / 3.2) etc.
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