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MCB Specials

"Expertise creates value"

Added value due to the smart service concepts


MCB Specials would like to offer you maximum convenience you so that you can focus on your core business. As a One-Stop-Shop specialist within the MCB Group, in addition to the standard range we can also offer high-performance products, such as titanium, nickel alloys, non-ferrous metals and plastics.

Besides the extensive range of products we have also developed various service concepts. With our ‘rework’ concept you can significantly save on the costs of materials and through EDI and VMI we help you keep your stock within predefined and mutually agreed upon levels.


SCSN (Smart Connected Supplier Network)

Via SCSN kunt u uw hele orderproces digitaliseren op een marktstandaard manier. Eenvoudig aansluiten en direct digitaal zaken doen met alle aangesloten relaties in de maakindustrie en andere sectoren zonder aparte, kostbare koppelingen. Daarnaast beschikt u over veel meer informatie voor het aansturen van machines, certificaten en traceerbaarheid van materialen in de nabije toekomst.



Being able to place your orders quickly and accurately is increasingly important in today's trading environment. A link between your ERP system and MCB's ordering system makes this possible. After setting up the link, you can digitally place your order with MCB via your ERP system.


Vendor Management Inventory allows MCB Specials to manage stocks throughout the supply chain, including the stocks held by customers! So we offer adequate availability instead of an ordering process.



MCB heeft naast het digitaal bestellen via EDI ook webservices ontwikkeld. Altijd en realtime inzicht voordat u bestelt. Dit alles met het gemak van uw eigen systeem.

Our other services

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