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Being able to place your orders quickly and accurately is increasingly important in today's trading environment. A link between your ERP system and MCB Specials’ ordering system makes this possible. After setting up the link, you can digitally place your order with MCB Specials via your ERP system. Your order is then processed within a few minutes, resulting in a significant reduction in the handling time. This option makes it possible for you to react faster to your enquiries and reduce your end-to-end costs.

Increased speed of reaction in the supply chain

The EDI link facilitates rapid information exchange, smarter procurement and more effective inventory management. For example, sending an order takes just seconds and MCB Specials processes the order immediately via an automatic procedure. Significantly greater delays can arise when placing an order by email or telephone. In addition, the order information is immediately available for use in internal applications. So you can keep your customer fully informed of the current status during the order process.


The EDI link eliminates the need to capture data from a document or email and enter it subsequently in both environments. After all, all of MCB Specials' product codes are already available in your ERP system. When you place an order via EDI, this information is sent directly to MCB Specials, thereby eliminating the risk of human error when your contact at MCB Specials enters your order manually. In the unlikely event of incomplete data transfer, MCB Specials contacts you immediately.

Cost savings

Using this link improves your performance and substantially reduces your costs. For example, the cost of paper, envelopes and mailing supplies. Your costs for telephone calls, email and courier services will also reduce. In addition, the much-reduced frequency of errors also results in a significant cost saving. This reduction in the frequency of errors is achieved by one-time data entry and also by the reduced requirement for manual error detection and rectification work. As more efficient purchase process implementation leads to shorter delivery times and lower inventory levels, the costs associated with purchase and inventory management also reduce accordingly.

Easy connection

Setting up an EDI link to your current ERP system is a simple task. We already collaborate with Bemet, Ridder, ISAH and MKG. If you use a different ERP package, we can arrange a link without problems. We also use an automated agent. This is a simple link which is created for you between your ERP system and MCB Specials' system. After setting up the link, you can get started right away!

The benefits at a glance

  • No new working procedures within your current ERP environment
  • Doing business with MCB Specials is faster and easier
  • Ability to enter your order at any time
  • More transparency about pricing
  • Lower integral costs
  • Fast progression from order to delivery
  • Reduced likelihood of human error
  • Data only needs to be entered once
  • Immediate information about availability

We like to contribute our ideas on future developments, generating growth and reducing your costs.

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