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About us

Since 80 years together, continuously improving, reliable and smart.

For more than 80 years, MCB Specials has shown their craftsmanship and detailed knowledge of high performance alloys, high-performance stainless steel, brass, copper, bronze and plastics. Meanwhile, MCB Specials has grown into a one-stop shop for special metals and standard products within the MCB companies which proves to be a unique combination.

MCB Specials supplies specific products to various branches of the metal processing industry, including machine- and equipment construction, sheet metal processing and machining. As a specialized supplier of high-quality metals, MCB Specials wants to be a proactive partner for their customers and to work sustainably on their success. Our expertise is adds value through cooperation.

Our specialists are here to advise you on the materials, applications, operations and different service concepts. Of course we are ISO 9001 certified!


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