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Aluminum sheets of any kind and size is exactly what you can find at MCB Specials. Aluminum is a lightweight, durable metal, which allows for a significant weight reduction. In addition, aluminum has excellent corrosion resistance. Due to an additional surface treatment, such as anodizing, corrosion resistance can be further improved. Aluminum is widely used in the construction, chemical industry and food industry. Aluminum is very easy to process. MCB Specials supplies aluminum plates, profiles and bars, all available directly from stock.
Vendor quality aluminum
Aluminum and aluminum alloys have excellent machinability, but have a tendency to build a false cutting edge in a soft condition. In general, it can be said that an increase of hardness leads to a decreasing edge build-up, a more favourable chip shape and improved surface rigidity. Higher strength has only a very minor impact on tool wear and cutting power.
Vendor qualities aluminum belong to the group of toughenable aluminum alloys and especially to the 2xxx group (aluminum-copper alloys). The good chip shape of these alloys is obtained, on the one hand, by the high hardness that can be achieved with these alloys, on the other hand, by the addition of low melting chip breaking elements. Short break of the chips also reduces edge forming even at lower cutting speeds. This has a positive effect on the surface quality.
Out of stock available vendor quality alloys are the precipitation hardenable grades EN AW-2007 (AlCu4PbMgMn) and EN AW-2011 (AlCu6BiPb). Both qualities are excellent for machining, namely at high speeds (above 1000m / min).
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